Find our NEW Hot Chilli Honey at your local Woolworths or Coles Supermarkets!

Pure Aussie Goodness

For more than 70 years, Australia has been waking up with our 100% pure Australian honey – deliciously drizzled on hot crumpets, toast and yoghurt. 

Proudly Australian made and owned, Capilano was started in 1953 by brothers Tim and Bert Smith, with strong values to support local beekeepers. Today, this proud tradition continues – Capilano supports more than 800 Aussie beekeeping families.

And we’re not just Australia’s favourite honey, we share our pure Aussie joy with families all over the world. It’s our grand vision to build a healthier and happier world through our natural and nutritious honey products.







Born in the 50s

Back in 1953, Capilano was founded by apiarists Tim Smith MBE and his brother Bert.










From humble beginnings

In the beginning, they packed and sold Capilano honey to grocery stores around Brisbane, Australia.

Generations of Beekeeping

Beekeeping isn’t just a vocation, it’s a family tradition. Many of our Capilano honey beekeepers have passed their craft down to their children and grandchildren, who continue to supply their honey to us today.

You’ll find our salt of the earth beekeepers right across our great country. From the east coast of beautiful Byron Bay right across the Nullarbor to remote Western Australian townships, our Beekeepers bring you their unique taste of Australia. We’re proud to support over 600 families – here’s a few of their stories.

The Stevens

Based in Wheatvale in Queensland’s Southern Downs, the Stevens family are fourth-generation beekeepers who have supplied Capilano for over 60 years. With beekeeping in their blood, David and Rosie involved their sons, Jacob and Connor in the family business from a very young age.

The Leylands

Based in beautiful Beechina, WA, David and Leilani Leyland are beekeepers with over 36 years’ experience. Master beekeepers who share their skills widely, the Leylands are thankful for the diversity of Western Australian native flora, which allows their bees to thrive.

The McDonalds

A fifth-generation beekeeper, Peter learnt the art of beekeeping from parents, and industry legends, Bob and Eileen. Based near quaint Castlemaine, Victoria, Peter and Michelle operate a thriving family business tending to 1,500 hives and are proud to be passing their craft to their children.

Backing the Aussie beekeeping industry

The wellbeing of our bees and beekeeping industry has a direct effect on our economy, environment and lifestyle, so we know the significance of supporting our great industry.

We are 100% committed to supporting and growing the Australian beekeeping industry through training the next generation of beekeepers, funding essential research projects and helping out during times of crisis

Capilano Bee