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Rainbow Honey Slice

  • Easy

  • 1 hour 40 mins

The kids will love getting involved creating this no-bake vibrant slice. A honey biscuit and rice bubble base is topped with white chocolate and sprinkles.
It’s hard not to smile making this one together! Perfect for sharing at birthday parties or school fêtes.

  • Skill Level


  • Prep Time

    30 mins

  • Cooking Time

    1 hour 10 mins

  • Servings

    20 squares



  • 250g Marie biscuits, crushed
  • 30g (1 cup) Rice Bubbles
  • 95g (1 cup) desiccated coconut
  • 150g butter
  • 120g (⅓ cup) Capilano Pure Honey
  • 250g white chocolate
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • Food colouring, pink, green, and yellow (or 3 other colours of choice)


Slice Topping

  • 300g white chocolate
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • Candy coated chocolate buttons, sprinkles, or both
  1. Line a 25cm x 20cm brownie/lamington baking tin with baking paper.
  2. Mix crushed Marie biscuits, Rice Bubbles, and desiccated coconut in a bowl.
  3. Divide the mixture equally between three bowls (or containers) and set aside (approximately 1¼ cups per bowl).
  4. Place butter, honey and white chocolate in a saucepan. Stir over a low heat until chocolate and butter have melted, and the mixture is thoroughly combined.
  5. Divide the chocolate mixture equally between three bowls (approximately 1 cup of mixture per bowl).
  6. Separately colour each bowl of chocolate mixture with food colouring until the desired shade is reached. Then mix each portion of the rice bubble mixture separately until combined. (The bowl of chocolate mixture may need to be reheated in the microwave for 30 seconds before adding the food colour for easy mixing).
  7. Take spoonfuls from each of the coloured mixtures, and place them randomly into the prepared tin. Continue until all the mixture from each of the bowls has been added, using the back of a spoon to press it in evenly.
  8. Place white chocolate for the slice topping and oil into a microwave-safe bowl. Melt, and mix well to combine.
  9. Spread white chocolate mixture evenly over the top of the slice.
  10. Place the slice in the fridge for 10 minutes to allow the chocolate topping to firm slightly before decorating (this prevents the buttons and sprinkles from sinking into (and under) the chocolate topping).
  11. Once the slice topping has firmed, decorate with candy-coated chocolate buttons, sprinkles, or both.
  12. Place the slice back in the fridge for an hour to chill.

Used in this recipe

  1. Line a 25cm x 20cm brownie/lamington baking tin with baking paper.
  2. Mix crushed Marie biscuits, Rice Bubbles, and desiccated coconut in a bowl.
  3. Divide the mixture equally between three bowls (or containers) and set aside (approximately 1¼ cups per bowl).
  4. Place butter, honey and white chocolate in a saucepan. Stir over a low heat until chocolate and butter have melted, and the mixture is thoroughly combined.
  5. Divide the chocolate mixture equally between three bowls (approximately 1 cup of mixture per bowl).
  6. Separately colour each bowl of chocolate mixture with food colouring until the desired shade is reached. Then mix each portion of the rice bubble mixture separately until combined. (The bowl of chocolate mixture may need to be reheated in the microwave for 30 seconds before adding the food colour for easy mixing).
  7. Take spoonfuls from each of the coloured mixtures, and place them randomly into the prepared tin. Continue until all the mixture from each of the bowls has been added, using the back of a spoon to press it in evenly.
  8. Place white chocolate for the slice topping and oil into a microwave-safe bowl. Melt, and mix well to combine.
  9. Spread white chocolate mixture evenly over the top of the slice.
  10. Place the slice in the fridge for 10 minutes to allow the chocolate topping to firm slightly before decorating (this prevents the buttons and sprinkles from sinking into (and under) the chocolate topping).
  11. Once the slice topping has firmed, decorate with candy-coated chocolate buttons, sprinkles, or both.
  12. Place the slice back in the fridge for an hour to chill.
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